60 research outputs found

    On choice rules in dependent type theory

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    In a dependent type theory satisfying the propositions as types correspondence together with the proofs-as-programs paradigm, the validity of the unique choice rule or even more of the choice rule says that the extraction of a computable witness from an existential statement under hypothesis can be performed within the same theory. Here we show that the unique choice rule, and hence the choice rule, are not valid both in Coquand\u2019s Calculus of Constructions with indexed sum types, list types and binary disjoint sums and in its predicative version implemented in the intensional level of the Minimalist Founda- tion. This means that in these theories the extraction of computational witnesses from existential statements must be performed in a more ex- pressive proofs-as-programs theory

    A predicative variant of a realizability tripos for the Minimalist Foundation.

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    open2noHere we present a predicative variant of a realizability tripos validating the intensional level of the Minimalist Foundation extended with Formal Church thesis.the file attached contains the whole number of the journal including the mentioned pubblicationopenMaietti, Maria Emilia; Maschio, SamueleMaietti, MARIA EMILIA; Maschio, Samuel

    Elementary quotient completion

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    We extend the notion of exact completion on a weakly lex category to elementary doctrines. We show how any such doctrine admits an elementary quotient completion, which freely adds effective quotients and extensional equality. We note that the elementary quotient completion can be obtained as the composite of two free constructions: one adds effective quotients, and the other forces extensionality of maps. We also prove that each construction preserves comprehensions

    An extensional Kleene realizability semantics for the Minimalist Foundation

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    We build a Kleene realizability semantics for the two-level Minimalist Foundation MF, ideated by Maietti and Sambin in 2005 and completed by Maietti in 2009. Thanks to this semantics we prove that both levels of MF are consistent with the (Extended) formal Church Thesis CT. MF consists of two levels, an intensional one, called mTT and an extensional one, called emTT, based on versions of Martin-L\"of's type theory. Thanks to the link between the two levels, it is enough to build a semantics for the intensional level to get one also for the extensional level. Hence here we just build a realizability semantics for the intensional level mTT. Such a semantics is a modification of the realizability semantics in Beeson 1985 for extensional first order Martin-L\"of's type theory with one universe. So it is formalised in Feferman's classical arithmetic theory of inductive definitions. It is called extensional Kleene realizability semantics since it validates extensional equality of type-theoretic functions extFun, as in Beeson 1985. The main modification we perform on Beeson's semantics is to interpret propositions, which are defined primitively in MF, in a proof-irrelevant way. As a consequence, we gain the validity of CT. Recalling that extFun+ CT+ AC are inconsistent over arithmetics with finite types, we conclude that our semantics does not validate the full Axiom of Choice AC. On the contrary, Beeson's semantics does validate AC, being this a theorem of Martin-L\"of's theory, but it does not validate CT. The semantics we present here appears to be the best Kleene realizability semantics for the extensional level emTT of MF. Indeed Beeson's semantics is not an option for emTT since the full AC added to it entails the excluded middle

    Quotient completion for the foundation of constructive mathematics

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    We apply some tools developed in categorical logic to give an abstract description of constructions used to formalize constructive mathematics in foundations based on intensional type theory. The key concept we employ is that of a Lawvere hyperdoctrine for which we describe a notion of quotient completion. That notion includes the exact completion on a category with weak finite limits as an instance as well as examples from type theory that fall apart from this.Comment: 32 page

    Joyal's arithmetic universes via type theory

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    Abstract Andre Joyal constructed arithmetic universes to provide a categorical proof of Godel incompleteness results. He built them in three stages: he first took a Skolem theory, then the category of its predicates and finally he made the exact completion out of the latter. Here, we prove that the construction of an initial arithmetic universe is equivalent to that of an initial list-arithmetic pretopos and also of an initial arithmetic pretopos. The initial list-arithmetic pretopos is built out of its internal language formulated as a dependent typed calculus in the style of Martin-Lof's extensional type theory. Analogously, we prove that the second stage of Joyal's construction is equivalent to taking an initial arithmetic lextensive category or an initial regular locos. We conclude by proposing the notion of list-arithmetic pretopos as the general definition of arithmetic universe. We are motivated from the fact in any list-arithmetic pretopos we can show the existence of free internal categories and diagrams as in any of Joyal's arithmetic universes

    Constructive version of Boolean algebra

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    The notion of overlap algebra introduced by G. Sambin provides a constructive version of complete Boolean algebra. Here we first show some properties concerning overlap algebras: we prove that the notion of overlap morphism corresponds classically to that of map preserving arbitrary joins; we provide a description of atomic set-based overlap algebras in the language of formal topology, thus giving a predicative characterization of discrete locales; we show that the power-collection of a set is the free overlap algebra join-generated from the set. Then, we generalize the concept of overlap algebra and overlap morphism in various ways to provide constructive versions of the category of Boolean algebras with maps preserving arbitrary existing joins.Comment: 22 page

    A realizability semantics for inductive formal topologies, Church's Thesis and Axiom of Choice

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    We present a Kleene realizability semantics for the intensional level of the Minimalist Foundation, for short mtt, extended with inductively generated formal topologies, Church's thesis and axiom of choice. This semantics is an extension of the one used to show consistency of the intensional level of the Minimalist Foundation with the axiom of choice and formal Church's thesis in previous work. A main novelty here is that such a semantics is formalized in a constructive theory represented by Aczel's constructive set theory CZF extended with the regular extension axiom

    A characterization of regular and exact completions of pure existential completions

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    The notion of existential completion in the context of Lawvere's doctrines was introduced by the second author in his PhD thesis, and it turned out to be a restriction to faithful fibrations of Peter Hofstra's construction used to characterize Dialectica fibrations. The notions of regular and exact completions of elementary and existential doctrines were brought up in recent works by the first author with F. Pasquali and P. Rosolini, inspired by those done by M. Hyland, P. Johnstone and A. Pitts on triposes. Here, we provide a characterization of the regular and exact completions of (pure) existential completions of elementary doctrines by showing that these amount to the reg/lex\mathsf{reg}/\mathsf{lex} and ex/lex\mathsf{ex}/\mathsf{lex}-completions, respectively, of the category of predicates of their generating elementary doctrines. This characterization generalizes a previous result obtained by the first author with F. Pasquali and P. Rosolini on doctrines equipped with Hilbert's ϵ\epsilon-operators. Relevant examples of applications of our characterization, quite different from those involving doctrines with Hilbert's ϵ\epsilon-operators, include the regular syntactic category of the regular fragments of first-order logic (and his effectivization) as well as the construction of Joyal's Arithmetic Universes
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